30th Anniversary of AEA-EAL

30th Anniversary of the AEA-EAL
22nd October in Paris

 eiffel   paris

I would like to invite you on 22nd October in Paris to celebrate together the 30th Anniversary of the AEA-EAL.

Our meeting will take place on the day after the conference organized by CCBE, also in Paris on Friday 21st October about „Innovation & future of the legal profession”.

We will enjoy a gala evening at the prestigious place of the Cercle de l’Union Interalliée, 33 Rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré, F – 75008 PARIS.

Monique Stengel – President and the Board

Please find full program and the registration form below.

Program and registration form

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AEA-EAL aisbl - siege social/headquartes: Avenue Louise 235 - 1050 Bruxelles/Brussels - Belgique/Belgium KBO/BCE 0465.302.664
phone: +32 (0)2 467 34 24 e-mail: aea-eal@aea-eal.eu

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